Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, April 28, 2006

Okay Kiddies, Storytime.

If you actually met yourself at a party would you be interested in talking to you? I can honestly say no, I would probably not really be interested in what me had to say. This is a legitimate question, not trying to air my insecurities and act all 'aww shucks' on you. I find it interesting how if you really want people to like you and walk away from you thinking pleasant thoughts then what you really should do is listen and ask them questions about themselves. Basically all people really are interested in is their lives. So, if you take that approach and upon meeting people and simply ask them question after question about their kids, jobs, pets, house ect....everyone on the face of the earth should like you - in theory. But... where does that leave you when you are dying to talk about you?
So, you get a blog of course. Then you can talk about yourself all day long and never actually get brandished (publicly & verbally) an egomanical, self centered, obnoxious twit (or wanker if you are male.)

Today was a great example of how the day can be fantastic if only the weather cooperates. It was sunny, warm and nary a breeze could be felt. I did my swim at a slightly less frenetic pace than yesterday so I only got in 1300m before my time was up. Then we met the Crackentires for a little mall crawl. I hesitate to call it 'shopping' for the simple fact that there was little I actually wanted to buy. To be fair, I am going to a major shopping city in a week and would prefer to spend my husband's hard earned money there where I can get something unique and much more expensive. But I did manage to pick up a new pair of shoes and a hat for my little pea head.
While my little kid napped I weeded and worked in the front yard. I got 2 large bags of clippings and I could easily get 5 more if I had the time. It is next to impossible to garden with the little kid as she just runs right in to the street and is bound to induce cardiac arrest in me one of these times.
After nap we walked to the playground and had good times.

I can't remember what I wrote about my little dog Olive. She is coming back home next week. Her appointment at Buckingham Palace didn't work out and she is no longer welcome with the Corgies. I missed her a lot and although it may take some patience on my part she is wanted here.

I do have a little bone to pick with Blogger.com, the host here of SpeedyCreekGal. When I do spell check (and I know you wish I did sentence-fragment check too) it doesn't recognize words like Ipod and a ton of other words that are part of our lexicon these days. Tsk, tsk. Get with it people.

One last thing. I am watching the Daytime Emmy Awards tonight. Not that I am a big daytime tv watcher but there is nothing else on. It is really evident that although this ceremony is held in the same Kodak Theater as the Oscars - these ain't the Oscars. From the cheesy department store dresses to the larger than normal (and by this I mean not a size 0, including producers) nominees. Even the presenters repartee is more stupid than usual. I suppose everyone fits in their little class structure on TV too. How fascinating. One thing that is funny is the winners still say 'thank you to the academy' as if they are actually winning an Oscar. What ever gets you through the night.

Tomorrow is just another day in paradise, hope ya'll come back now,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Umm Um

The last few times I have caught 'Dateline NBC' they have been doing this undercover sting on sexual predators. I am all for catching these men (in all cases) but it does make for downer TV. I mean, how much mileage can you get out of ambushing a bunch of morally indignant men? Some of these guys are so stupid too, like run dude! Instead they sit down to be interviewed on national TV. What won't people do for their 15 mins?
Today was a perfect day. I went swimming and did 1600 m (1 mile) in a bit under 40 mink. That is a whole 2 mink off my previous best time. Considering that it took me almost 3 months to shave off 3 mink off the original personal best it is quite an accomplishment for a hack like me. Then I went to pleasurable which I used to think was lame but now I realize that I am actually interacting with my kid and making sure that she is safe and having fun rather than sitting huddled in a corner denying that my kid is a totally obnoxious specimen that I refuse to acknowledge. And if you think that is a harsh statement - there are actually worse things I could say about 'Skunken' the aforementioned specimen.
If you think the day couldn't get better then you are WRONG. I got home, made little Missy a fab lunch, which she enjoyed without objection. Then she went down with out a peep and I was able to get in a 3 mile speed work run. THEN, I cleaned the yard for almost an hour before eating a now meaningless lunch and having a quick rinse before she woke up. GOD, does it get any better? Then we had a visit from the carpet cleaner who is going to do the job for less that I expected (bonus) and took a very pleasant walk to the park. Upon return I checked my mail and found a spanking new issue of US Mag which proclaimed on it's cover that Chestica Simpson and Lindsay HoHan are in a fight! The glory of it all! When will it end?
Top it off with a glass of wine and Missy going to bed at a decent time and this day has been a peach!
Since there is nothing I can possibly add,

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Two in One Day!

Lucky, lucky - another post. But, I just wanted to add something of supreme importance. Let it be known that if BFF Dean brings in another half a cow at anytime in the future he will face some dire consequences. I don't care if he finds his ass unemployed and the only job he can muster is promoting the Equal Rights for Mad Cows of America. He will hang from the rafters by his sole nut if he ever decides the family menus again. I am sick of eating shitty beef for the sake of eating it. And, it would be very nice if he could learn that I like it RARE. I think for his punishment I should force him to eat a dozen mini-burgers with toppings like guacamole and chutney. 'Nuff said about the subject.
Now for the highlight of my day: I am going to enjoy a Pep bar given to me by my good friend Zeena who knows how to take care of me.
Tomorrow is swim, playgroup, lunch, babynap-run and then probably play outside unless I am worried about losing my little kid in a windstorm. Dean is on the road again tomorrow so I will take the opportunity to watch anything other than hockey be relieved of the tremendous task of having to be an amazing conversationalist.


Don't Look Now

I wrote a really long entry the other night and it didn't publish. But, perhaps that is a good thing because I have since been able to discern that most of it was stupid. Now I can re-enter the more - less stupid - parts.

Today is a day off and I planned to spend every minute doing something useful and productive. Plans sometimes go awry and the gardening did not get done. It might have something to do with the 40MPH winds gusting through my yard. I dunno though, could be the entire pizza I ate for lunch that is now sitting like a brick in my stomach. I did run though and get groceries and I plan on showering and taking a big load of crappola to the Salvation Army. I would just as soon put this stuff by the curb but BFF Dean seems to think that the less fortunate actually want my bitchin' old sweats and his 80's ties. I think not. And don't get me started about the towels.

Dean and I are opposites in a few ways. I am a purger (no I am not bulemic). I like to get rid of stuff and I often dream of a simple house with no knick-knacks, a closet with a few nice sweaters, jeans and shoes - and one really cool Missoni dress. Dean on the other hand is an aquirerer. He values stuff and it obviously serves a purpose for him. On more common ground we share the love of nice things and our little kid really cracks us up.

Speaking of the little pip-squeak. Her current favorite phrase is 'peanut butter!' She has learned this from her Dad. If he accidentally swears he immediately says 'peanut butter' to cover it up. It is only a matter of time until our little kid is swearing like a.....well, a hockey player. I am surprised that there isn't an exam or something to pass before becoming parents. Sometimes I really wonder if we are capable of being parents. Only time will tell.

Here is another insight into this lovely town called Speedy Creek. Today in the car I actually heard a current (released within the last 3 months) song on the radio. I nearly had a stroke. Of course it was immediately followed up but Corey Hart's Sunglasses at Night, but it is a start.

Tonight is BFF's last night home for a while again. We will likely have dinner, watch TV and then fall asleep by 10. I like our level of predictability but sometime I think Dean wishes I was a little more spontaneous.

They are cleaning the streets here so that means that I can maybe go ride my bike a bit this weekend if there isn't a tornado watch on. My goal is to learn to change a flat so that I don't get out to Gull lake and have to hitch home.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

You think you know somebody

Ever think you are fairly interesting until you hang around actual interesting people? I am sort of feeling that way these days about lots of things in my life. I used to do a lot of writing - some of it judged to be readable and now I have nothing to say. Is it because I am a parent now and that is my job. I suppose that is a cop-out to some degree. I rarely challenge myself these days. I am missing my job and the absolute stress of being somewhat important.

On to more important subjects; myself. I did my 10 miles today on the treadmill. As I suspected it was pure evil. I decided to watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith instead of flipping between TV and music. I think the concept of a movie was a good one but the choice of film was not. I actually put my Ipod and headphones on and just watched the movie. I was still able pretty much predict what was going to happen. There is no doubt in my mind that Brad & Angie will create some magnificent offspring. I think a movie like 'Pretty Woman' or 'Back to the Future' would be more suitable in the future.

I have been watching this mini-series called 'God and the Girl' on A&E. It follows the lives of 4 men who are deciding whether or not to join the preisthood or not. Alls I have to say is I can't understand why anyone would do it. If you want to serve (a) God and people there are so many ways to do it. The celibacy is the kicker for most of these guys. It is too bad the Catholic church will never modernize. Would solve so many problems. It is a good show though, good for me to see some people so passionate about something so invisible. That is why they call it faith. A part of me just thinks these people are so weak though. They allow some unknown entity to make life long decisions for them. They use phrases like 'meant to be' which is like saying things are out of our control. I hope I always remain in control of my life and to do that I will not throw decisions to the wind.

I have been craving hamburgers lately. I think I am going to make mini-burgers this week. That will piss off BBF Dean but he will just have to eat 5 instead of one. That way you can try different toppings like guacamole and pepper jack but not be committed to eating the whole burger that way. Geniousity!

Ciao! R

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday Night Thrills

I just watched the Primetime Live episode with Tom Cruise. Although he is less of a lunatic during this interview than he has been in the past, he is still nuts. If I thought it would do any good I would pray for 'Kate.'

Here is a little tidbit that might be of some interest. I always find it strange when I see Chinese men driving pick up trucks. Especially domestic trucks. I don't know why but it seems like an odd mix. I hope that isn't perceived to be a racial comment because it really is meant as just a statement.

It was a pretty nice day today. My little kid and I picked weeds in the back yard and tried to clean up last year's death. She was pretty good just hanging out watching me. I went and bought my very own 'Garden Claw' which was an extra special moment for me. I have always wanted one since seeing an informercial years ago. It was then called the Garden Weasel. I will put it to good use tomorrow if it is still as nice but I hear it is going to get chilly. I am planning to do my long run tomorrow. I may have to do it on the treadmill - which will be evil.

My BBF Dean will be home tomorrow night for a couple days. He will be busy with work while he is home but our little kid will be happy to have a couple nights with him. She is definitely a daddies girl.

The race is 2 weeks away and I am so stressed that I am not trained properly. I guess I will finish but I know that it won't be pretty. My foot is fine now but it is just the sheer miles that I haven't gotten in. The rest of the trip will be great though. I can't wait to see my best friend J. Another great friend of mine C is getting married as I write. I hope she has a great day and is finally happy. My Seattle girls are really special people. I miss them.

I am off to bed, I hope to get a good sleep tonight. The last couple nights have been crappy, mainly because of the wind. I always get a little skittish when I am alone and the wind makes the house creek. Then my mind gets wandering and wondering if it is the wind or the boogyman.

Even though my life is boring and lame compared to mostly every one else on the planet don't pity me. I am actually very happy and really excited about my upcoming summer and getting my doggie back. Poor Ollie has been probably sick without her mommalove.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Miss Me?

We made if back last night. It was a long, long drive. I think Barney, the Wiggles and Elmo will visit me in my dreams for a few nights to come. But, thanks for the DVD invention - absolutely crucial.
I was able to visit my old friend from high school. I had a great time catching up with her and I really like her husband. He is quiet but friendly and seems to enjoy us too. Some of my friends husbands are not people I wish to hang out with and I am sure they say the same about me. It was a nice day with them and they have a great place and seem to be doing well in all areas. Then we had a lunch with friends of ours who just had their 3rd baby. I haven't seen them in 5 years, and they are actually Dean's friends. So I guess we both had mini-high school reunions and it was fun to see their little family.
Once we got in to our summer home we had a ton of cleaning and little things to do. It was a really nice couple of days and now if Dean goes for a guys weekend there won't be hundreds of dead, decaying bugs on the carpet. We got some shopping in too, I finally got my flat screen TV! I am so spoiled. Luckily, BFF Dean likes to spend the cashola.
Got home last night in time to do a bunch of laundry and get Dean packed up to leave again today for a few days. At least it is nice here and we can probably get out to the park and for some walks. I need to get in my long run soon, I will try for Sunday. I feel like I am not ready for the race at all. The foot is doing great but I am worried the last 3 miles will be really hard to get through. If that is the case then I will just have to focus on the shopping and dining and visiting with my friends. The race is really far down on the list of things planned that weekend. It will be nice for dean and I to hang out without the little appendage too.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Possibly The Most Boring Entry Yet

Apparently my loyal readers have missed me. I will try to post more consistently.
First things first. I am a bit off track with my running program but I did an 8mile run this morning. It was actually quite hard and I felt like I hadn't run in months when really I had only taken a couple weeks off. It sucks having to get back in shape. The bad news is my knee is really sore tonight. The good news is I got my orthotics and after the marathon I will start to use them and hope that I never have the problems again.
I also swam a mile in 40mins yesterday, which is a PR by about 16 seconds. Woo Hoo.

BFF Dean has been gone a while so it is kind of hard at times. My little kid is behaving quite well but the days are so long because we haven't been out much. Guess why? uhhhh, the wind, duh! I will say it for the hundredth time, I am so glad she goes to the babysitter twice a week. The stuff I get done in a day is really good for me to feel more like a productive person. Even if it is all personal stuff. Today after running I showered, groomed, ate lunch, sent some emails, made a couple calls, got my orthotics, got groceries, watched Oprah, cleaned the bathroom, fridge and pantry, made a batch of caramels and got my tires fixed all before 4PM. Amazing stuff.

Tomorrow is swimming, playgroup, lunch, naps (both of us) and then dinner with Crackentires at MacDonalds. I plan on packing tomorrow night and getting everything all organized so that we can take off by 11:00 to head to Calgary on Thursday.

I really have nothing of interest to comment on today. So better luck next time,
Chow, R

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Stench Has Lifted

Ahhh, finally some fresh air. Is that too much to ask for in this God-forsaken-place AKA speedy creek? A few weeks ago we had to endure yellow over chlorinated water in order to prevent an E.Coli outbreak (not that I want that.) Then, we had to practically put masks on to venture outside. The smell from the antiquated water treatment plant is gone today but it lingers in my mind...
So, on to better business. Went swimming today and then stopped for a couple groceries. I buy a surprising amount of food for a man that isn't home much and a little kid that doesn't eat much. I guess that makes me a piggy!
Then we went for lunch with Zeena & babyG. I had the usual, but I think next time I am going to branch out and try something else. They suffer from condiment overload (the salad was victim of it too) and I don't like using 3 napkins to eat lunch (unless it is my saucy ribs which obviously no one but me serves). My little kid was okay until the end and then she started to act like a little kid. I had to carry her screaming, squirming body home while being smacked in the face. I think it is about time for some type of discipline book. Duh you say?
The rest of the day we were shut-ins. With the wind blowing at a moderate 50MPH I didn't really feel like going out again. Did I mention the random (yet not so random as to not be noticeable) cannon shots booming from the golf course behind me? I guess they have to try to prevent the geese from nesting but GEEZUS. If it isn't one thing it's another with me. Don't even get me started on the Aquatic Center parking lot.

Let me just say this: I know I must sound like a whiney, cranky, crotch-eating bag on some of these posts but it is truly meant to be in a jestful - yet mocking- tone. I like my life, my friends, my kid, my BBF and my latest pair of jeans. And the joke will be on me if we end up living here in Speedy Creek long enough to go to a high school graduation ceremony. But, whether anyone outside of Cedar Lane notices or not I will continue to stake out the latest purses, jeans, make-up and cosmetic advancements. And that doesn't make me a bad person. I will concede that it makes me a shallow, empty shell of a soul - but not a bad person. I do feel sorry though for my BFF Dean. He has to endure my comments about ass-size (or lack of) or breast-size (the over abundance of) or my daily questions of what do you want to eat tonight? Followed but the scrunched up face I make when he suggests the wrong thing. Or the nightly requests for a foot massage (or neck or back), my eye-narrowing looks when he puts too many crackers in his soup and the fact that at half his body size I take up more than half the bed. No wonder he heads for the hills every chance he gets.
Tomorrow we have nothing planned. If it isn't too windy, we will head to the park at some point. Other than that I will maybe make some sea-salt caramels again and use my new mold! Yippee! Although I am not sure about the shelf like of the candy so I may have to wait since I am making them to take home next week. But, I will enjoy a Pep! at some point. It pays to drop hints to your friends.
Sunday is more of the same except I plan to run a bit if I can. My foot is so much better.
Ciao, R

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I was thinking all day that it was Thursday for some reason and that I would be in for some good tv watchin' tonight. Instead I will read my new book and go to bed early.
Today pretty much went exactly as planned. No major deviations and my little kid was about the same as usual. A little persnickety at the end of the day but she was very hungry and I think her shoes are a tad too small. Overall I will give my experience today a solid B.

Tomorrow should be nice, day off. I am doing a 6 mile run as soon as I get home from dropping off the little kid at daycare. Then, I will have a long bath, clean the house, eat lunch and relax. I need groceries too so I will get those before the end of daycare. Then for the grand finally...going to MacDonalds for dinner with Roberta & Mackenzie. At least that way we can eat and the girls can run around a bit rather than forcing them to behave in a restaurant. I can't believe I patronize that place as much as I do. This will be the second visit this week.

One day down and only 8 more to go as a single mommy. It should be a snap. Ha.
Ciao, R

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Here, again

I just realized it has been a while since I posted. Sorry, but I have been supah busy. Most importantly my foot is better and I was able to run 5 miles today with no problems. My orthotics should be in this week and then we will get to work on breaking those in. So, things are looking up and I only managed to put on 1 pound during my hiatus.

BFF Dean is leaving tomorrow. He will be working in peace. Our little kid is getting to be quite the pill from about 4-7. Eating things she shouldn't, throwing things, hitting, running wild naked and spinning around. She does all of this in a generally happy mood so it is hard to correct her. I am sure he exhales in an exaggerated fashion the second he pulls out of the driveway. Although he does a good job of convincing me he is sad to go. So, we girls are on our own for a week or so until we head to our city of birth for a little Easter feasting. Then we are going to visit my good friend from high school, Shannon. She has 2 little boys and is coming in from the left coast. I haven't seen her since a major weekend bender in Vegas over 6 years ago. I can't wait. She is so funny and interesting.

Then, we are going to our home of homes. Big Sky, MT for a couple days. This is eating me alive. The shopping at Target, the Moose's pizza, the Mexican Los Caborales, the make-up counter at Walgreens. Ahhhh, so 'citing. I might even get in a workout at the Summit...The best gym in west of the Mississippi. I don't know how the whole driving, sleeping all over the place thing will go for the little kid, but I guess it builds character.

Tomorrow is swimming, playgroup, lunch, nap, walk to park, dinner, bath, bed. Can you believe my life? So fun!
Ciao, R