Where Life Makes Sense

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I have decided that all I want for Christmas is my dog back. If I could write music I am sure I could get a chart topper out of this. I gave my little buddy away (twice, but whose counting) and I am acutely aware every day of what a mistake it was. I can't believe I am in a family without a dog, it just doesn't seem like the same family. A touch melodramatic you say? Possibly, and I know her new family loves her but things just aren't the same - especially at night.
Today was a day off while my little kid went to daycare. She is healthy again and I am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Went to the gym, Walmart, wrapped gifts, ate gynormous turkey sandwich, showered, laundry, liquor store for gift, and picked up the kid. Notice..no nap. A very productive day capped off by a nice dinner at our friends the Crackintires.

Still waiting for something interesting and funny to inspire me. Hang in there, I feel it bubbling to the surface and it shouldn't be too long.

I would however like to comment on the treatment of certain Hollywood Cheaters. I think that depending on how good looking you are determines the type of negative/positive press you will receive. For example, Brad Pitt cheats on his wife of four years, Jennifer Aniston. But, since he moves up in the looks department to Angelina Jolie, not much is said about it - in terms of criticism not sheer line space. And more recently Kate Hudson left her husband, whom she spawned a child with, for Owen Wilson. Now, her husband whose name is lost to me, is an incredibly ugly man. Owen Wilson, AKA the Butterscotch Stallion, is handsome in a strange way but still much better to look at than Black Crowes man. (I remember, Chris Robinson). Not barely a mention of this. But, Jude Law sleeps with the nanny! Shame, engagements are off. Hugh Grant gets BJ from a hooker! What was he thinking?! (Yes, I realize this was in the 90's) Alls I am saying is if you are going to cheat do it with someone measurably better looking than your current flame. Then no one seems to mind.


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