Where Life Makes Sense

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Change of Plans

After some thought I have decided to heavily modify or delete most of yesterday's topic. I think I was off on a rant and quite honestly it is not a subject that I want to devote any more time to. But, the Effing Losers I was referring to are still wastes of skin in my opinion.

Tomorrow is my 12 year wedding anniversary. I do find it amazing that in 12 years there have been very few occasions on which I have thought of throwing in the towel so to speak. Some people would be proud to say that they have been happily married always and never considered separating for any reason. But, I am proud to say that in spite of some very bumpy patches I decided to stay and work things out. Marriage is hard under even the best circumstances. We consider ourselves so lucky to have started out with financial security - not that money has never been a source of nit-picking. Given the fact that this huge obstacle in many marriages has never caused us undue stress- we had a leg up on many couples just starting out. I am a firm believer that fundamental differences between men and women will never allow for any relationship to be in complete harmony for long. And, I think that the key to avoiding an acrimonious divorce is the simple ability to ignore that bad habits that may drive a lesser person insane. Among other things, BBF usually ignores the fact that I am quiet and somewhat grumpy in the early morning. Even saying 'good morning" can sometimes be hard for me. I don't know why (and I am working on it) but he usually chirps "morning!" to me before I have a chance to think and it takes the pressure off. I am sure he doesn't even know he does it but it helps me most days start the day off better.
In turn, I try to ignore his occasional passive/aggressive comments and the fact that he has constant nasal issues that require somewhat nauseating methods to alleviate.
And the next thing you know 12 years has gone by! One thing I know we can both agree on is that fact that our little kid is the best thing to happen to both of us. I get pangs of sadness when I think that if I had given up we would never have shared her. I can't even imagine a life without my 2 year old PITA.
Ciao, R


Blogger Switzer said...

Just surfed in from Jon Keen's blog.

Happy belated anniversay! "Toughing it out" is so worth it.

1:15 PM  

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