Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, April 28, 2006

Okay Kiddies, Storytime.

If you actually met yourself at a party would you be interested in talking to you? I can honestly say no, I would probably not really be interested in what me had to say. This is a legitimate question, not trying to air my insecurities and act all 'aww shucks' on you. I find it interesting how if you really want people to like you and walk away from you thinking pleasant thoughts then what you really should do is listen and ask them questions about themselves. Basically all people really are interested in is their lives. So, if you take that approach and upon meeting people and simply ask them question after question about their kids, jobs, pets, house ect....everyone on the face of the earth should like you - in theory. But... where does that leave you when you are dying to talk about you?
So, you get a blog of course. Then you can talk about yourself all day long and never actually get brandished (publicly & verbally) an egomanical, self centered, obnoxious twit (or wanker if you are male.)

Today was a great example of how the day can be fantastic if only the weather cooperates. It was sunny, warm and nary a breeze could be felt. I did my swim at a slightly less frenetic pace than yesterday so I only got in 1300m before my time was up. Then we met the Crackentires for a little mall crawl. I hesitate to call it 'shopping' for the simple fact that there was little I actually wanted to buy. To be fair, I am going to a major shopping city in a week and would prefer to spend my husband's hard earned money there where I can get something unique and much more expensive. But I did manage to pick up a new pair of shoes and a hat for my little pea head.
While my little kid napped I weeded and worked in the front yard. I got 2 large bags of clippings and I could easily get 5 more if I had the time. It is next to impossible to garden with the little kid as she just runs right in to the street and is bound to induce cardiac arrest in me one of these times.
After nap we walked to the playground and had good times.

I can't remember what I wrote about my little dog Olive. She is coming back home next week. Her appointment at Buckingham Palace didn't work out and she is no longer welcome with the Corgies. I missed her a lot and although it may take some patience on my part she is wanted here.

I do have a little bone to pick with Blogger.com, the host here of SpeedyCreekGal. When I do spell check (and I know you wish I did sentence-fragment check too) it doesn't recognize words like Ipod and a ton of other words that are part of our lexicon these days. Tsk, tsk. Get with it people.

One last thing. I am watching the Daytime Emmy Awards tonight. Not that I am a big daytime tv watcher but there is nothing else on. It is really evident that although this ceremony is held in the same Kodak Theater as the Oscars - these ain't the Oscars. From the cheesy department store dresses to the larger than normal (and by this I mean not a size 0, including producers) nominees. Even the presenters repartee is more stupid than usual. I suppose everyone fits in their little class structure on TV too. How fascinating. One thing that is funny is the winners still say 'thank you to the academy' as if they are actually winning an Oscar. What ever gets you through the night.

Tomorrow is just another day in paradise, hope ya'll come back now,


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