Where Life Makes Sense

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Don't Look Now

I wrote a really long entry the other night and it didn't publish. But, perhaps that is a good thing because I have since been able to discern that most of it was stupid. Now I can re-enter the more - less stupid - parts.

Today is a day off and I planned to spend every minute doing something useful and productive. Plans sometimes go awry and the gardening did not get done. It might have something to do with the 40MPH winds gusting through my yard. I dunno though, could be the entire pizza I ate for lunch that is now sitting like a brick in my stomach. I did run though and get groceries and I plan on showering and taking a big load of crappola to the Salvation Army. I would just as soon put this stuff by the curb but BFF Dean seems to think that the less fortunate actually want my bitchin' old sweats and his 80's ties. I think not. And don't get me started about the towels.

Dean and I are opposites in a few ways. I am a purger (no I am not bulemic). I like to get rid of stuff and I often dream of a simple house with no knick-knacks, a closet with a few nice sweaters, jeans and shoes - and one really cool Missoni dress. Dean on the other hand is an aquirerer. He values stuff and it obviously serves a purpose for him. On more common ground we share the love of nice things and our little kid really cracks us up.

Speaking of the little pip-squeak. Her current favorite phrase is 'peanut butter!' She has learned this from her Dad. If he accidentally swears he immediately says 'peanut butter' to cover it up. It is only a matter of time until our little kid is swearing like a.....well, a hockey player. I am surprised that there isn't an exam or something to pass before becoming parents. Sometimes I really wonder if we are capable of being parents. Only time will tell.

Here is another insight into this lovely town called Speedy Creek. Today in the car I actually heard a current (released within the last 3 months) song on the radio. I nearly had a stroke. Of course it was immediately followed up but Corey Hart's Sunglasses at Night, but it is a start.

Tonight is BFF's last night home for a while again. We will likely have dinner, watch TV and then fall asleep by 10. I like our level of predictability but sometime I think Dean wishes I was a little more spontaneous.

They are cleaning the streets here so that means that I can maybe go ride my bike a bit this weekend if there isn't a tornado watch on. My goal is to learn to change a flat so that I don't get out to Gull lake and have to hitch home.



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