Where Life Makes Sense

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Creamed What? on What?

I had a strange memory today. All of the sudden I recalled this dish my mom used to make for lunch. Creamed salmon and peas on toast. I hated it so much that even now my stomach lurched and I had a mild wave of nausea when the though made it's way to the front of my mind. I am sure she must have hated having such a picky eater. Even today I have been criticized, chastised and mocked by people close to me for my selective eating habits. I can't help it if I discriminate against what I put in my body. I seem to have a very close association with eating and moods or state of being. I really can't help it. If I were to dine at Buckingham Palace I would not be able to politely eat sheep innards or even something much less offensive if I didn't want to. And before you think I am some sort of social more (should have and accent ague) obliterating fool - I would rave over the sauteed fennel side dish.

I just finished the "Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. She wrote her memoir to expose her remarkably shame-free upbringing as a dirt poor urchin. I suppose there was a niche to be filled with her story since there are already volumes of sex addicted, meth addicted, food addicted, shopping addicted accounts by almost- middle-aged people. And who can forget the shocking Prozac Nation that started the trend of divulging your deepest secrets for a buck. But, I really liked the book! Maybe that is where the flashback of the creamed salmon lunch came from. I should be more grateful for the cushy childhood I had in light of what Ms. Walls had to endure.

I am thinking I will get my kid a wagon soon. It is warming up and I think she would like one. Also when she is a bit older I can't wait to get that game 'Operation.' I hope they still make it. I didn't have it as a kid and always wanted it.

Tomorrow we have a busy day. Swimming, playgroup, lunch, nap, playtime ect... I ran on the weekend and my foot felt really good. Today it was not good but I will run again on Thursday and maybe Saturday. I am not as stressed about not being able to run but I must say that when I have these little injuries I can see in to the not so distant future when I am no longer a runner. I think that one day I will be a pudgy out of shape housewife/mother who....I don't know what she does.
On that note,


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