Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, March 10, 2006


I woke up yesterday with some combination of a cold/eye infection/tonsillitis. I am surviving though. Actually feel almost normal when doped up on Dayquil.
I am missing my little buddy today. I hope Olive is happy and warm right now, she hates being chilled. I guess we are a lot a like.

No plans to workout today or tomorrow. I will probably feel back to normal on Sunday so I will get the wheels back on the track. I get really anxious when I can't workout and I want to.

I will BBL to post some more riveting thoughts....

Back as promised...not much to say except my little kid had quite a well behaved day. No fits or tantrums that I recall and was very pleasant to her play companion Graydon today. Went to bed with no resistance and crashed before I turned the monitor on. BFF has a big game tonight so I am listening with much hope that things can relax a bit. He is good about not bringing his work home but I can tell that he really wants to get this big project in the bag so to speak.

I am really excited about the playoffs actually, in the past he has managed to twice oust first place teams into an early golf season. There is nothing more pitiful than working hard all year to finish in first place and then lose in the first round to an "undisciplined, talentless team." I. Love. It.

My illness is almost gone. Maybe tomorrow I will go for a run. I am sure the crazy foot cramp that has plagued me all week will have relaxed a bit. Maybe I need to eat a banana? Wierd, but I have been craving a banana all day and wouldn't you know it, we don't have any for once.

Ciao, r


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