Where Life Makes Sense

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Now it's Cold

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday because my computer is frustratingly slow of late. I am not sure why, maybe I need to do a scan or something? All I know is I would like a new one! And, I might be able to weasel one out of BFF Dean since he loves new gadgets more than anyone. I would promise to learn how to download music and put it on both our Ipods! Promise! He can have new tunes to listen to in his truck while driving all over the country to go scouting in April and May, wouldn't that be nice? A girl can dream.
Yesterday we went swimming and the rest of the day was fairly uneventful. I have bought the little kid some ice cream sandwiches which she sits quietly and eats while I eat my dinner. I think everyone is happy with the arrangement.
I also bid on a Burberry jacket on Ebay last night but I am so leary of the counterfeit goods that I am glad I lost out. I think everything must be fake on there now. I tried a while ago to get a pink Balenciaga purse and I actually won by default be decided not to purchase (I was given the option) because I can't believe that you can get a new authentic Balenciaga for $275.

Today is a day off for me. I am going to clean, then do my tempo run - 5 miles - and then go pick up a few things around town. I will pick up my little kid at 4 and we are on our own for dinner again tonight. BFF Dean was home at 2:30 AM last night and then the little kid insisted on seeing him at 7:30 this morning. I should have told her he was at work but I didn't know if lying was fair in this instance. Probably fair to Dean though. She doesn't understand 'sleeping' yet I guess.

The cold weather has finally arrived here. I think this is the coldest it has been all winter here. At least the wind is not blowing too bad but with the windchill it is a brisk -38.

Update @ 7pm
On my own tonight so just ate horrendous left overs. I hate all leftovers except Thai. Not that I have eaten that in a while though. I just heard through a very reliable source that it might be close to -50 with the wind chill in the morning. I think that will mean swimming is cancelled but we will see. I think my BIL is coming to town tomorrow so we will probably head over to have a visit with him in the afternoon.

I enjoyed my day off until it was time to pick up my little kid. She cries when she see's me walk in the door. Ouchie. I suppose I shouldn't take it personally but it makes me upset when I have to bribe her to get in the car with me. She went to bed early because she didn't nap again.

My run was good. A little tough to start but I have finally realized that warming up at a slow pace for a few mins isn't a bad thing. I am so obsessed with beating my time that warm ups become an obstacle. I feel good tonight and so I am ready to up my mileage next week. The good news is I get to eat a bit more since I have lost a few pounds.

Last note: I have received some bad/conflicting news regarding Glycolic acid. It seems that some people are of the opinion that people over 30 with dry skin should not use the stuff. That it will actually cause the skin to age more rapidly. But, this news came from someone who was trying to sell me some of her products so I will do further investigation.

Ciao, r


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