Where Life Makes Sense

Monday, February 13, 2006

More TV= Less Hockey

Missed swimming this morning. I strongly suspected that the temp. would not be warm enough for me after Fridays debacle so that combined with us all sleeping in caused me to cancel. Instead we went to McDonald's for a playdate with the Shatsky's. Was very pleasant until the end when my little kid didn't want to put her shoes or coat on. Things went from bad to worse when we got home when she refused to come upstairs for half an hour.
But, we had pizza for lunch!
This afternoon we watched some crazy crashes during the Olympics. Why do people insist on careening around on ice? If it's not skates it sleds or skis. Crazy peeps.

Dinner Special: Halibut Tacos. Yum-me.

The little kid went to bed fine, but it is getting a little more difficult these days. She seems to think we are doing fun things while she is in in bed.

Tonight we are watching '24.' We haven't been fans before this year so I decided to get BFF Dean hooked on another show. This has 2 purposes. Firstly, any show that he loves means less hockey watching. Secondly, cerebral, fast-paced shows often make me look smart since I have to explain certain aspects of programs. This is where TiVo is critical. However, I must say that I think Keifer Sutherland is a little twerp in real life. Ever since Julia left him at the alter he hasn't been the same.

What was your reaction when you heard that Dick Cheney shot a man on the weekend? I thought "here is a man that shouldn't have a gun." Don't you think that sudden loud explosions might be shocking to a man with a serious heart condition. If not that, then what about the excitement of actually shooting an animal? Doesn't adrenaline sound dangerous? Glad to hear that the guy he shot is going to be okay.

Tomorrow is a day off. I am planning to do my speed work, get groceries, clean the guest room & bathroom for my parents visit next weekend. That is all but surprisingly that will take all day to accomplish. I bought Amanda a Valentine gift since my little kid loves her so much.

Ciao, R


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