Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, February 10, 2006


Today I reached a new personal high. Upon waking this morning my first thought was -
'I am not going swimming today. I am so tired.' Half an hour later, coffee already ingested, my thoughts were more along the lines of 'maybe we will go if my little kid finishes her breakfast soon.' Fifteen minutes later I was scurrying out the door thinking, 'I can't wait to swim!'
First battle won.
Then I jumped in the pool only to have my inspirational mood squashed in an instant. The pool was cold. I will admit to being rather skittish of cold things..ice cream hurts my teeth, my feet almost always have socks, my bath water is so hot you could poach a salmon in it, but this pool was honestly chilly. Even so, I managed to put in 1000m (200m short but under such difficult circumstances who can blame me?) Second battle won.

The rest of the day was smooth sailing. Made a wicked-good chicken taco salad for lunch and watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Very impressive. I haven't been that excited for the games to start but I am now. I love watching the Olympics. They really bring out the maniacal biathlon, skeleton and luge fan in me. It would be extra special if the Olympics inspired the radical Muslims to put a hiatus on the violent riots in the Middle East and SE Asia. If they put as much energy into promoting peace as they do in perpetuating violence I doubt another bullet would be spent in the name of Mohammed.

Tomorrow night is date night with BBF Dean. We will probably go to Speedy Creek's finest dining establishment and then maybe a movie (or "show" for the natives) depending on what is playing. I also have to fit in my long run sometime tomorrow and will give the injinji's another try.

Here are a few of my current obsessions-
Finding a dress to wear to Jana's wedding in July. As Feather Queen it will need to be perfect and appropriate for warm weather yet not too fleshy as a portion of it will take place in a house of God.
Getting my little kid to recognize the primary colors. She isn't really as enthusiastic as I hoped she would be at this point. She does know what a circle is though. I would hate for her to be pedagogically delayed.
Looking at jewelry I will never have online.

Ciao, r


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