Where Life Makes Sense

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Jam-Packed Fun

It was supposed to be +10 today. Maybe it was but with the wind I had no desire to take the little kid out for some fresh air. I am such a lazy mom sometimes.

We all went for breakfast this morning with the McIntyre's. I love going out for breakfast but so far haven't found a really favorite place here yet. A couple are so-so, a couple are terrible and one is fine but the owner is a major grouch. Both times we have been there we have noticed that all he does is cruise the room with a scowl on his raisin face. Other than that is was nice to see the McIntyres since they are so busy. Their daughter didn't make a peep all during breakfast while ours jumped all over the place. I think lunches & breakfast dates will take place at McDonalds from now on. I hear the recently closed Burger King is reopening in a couple months so that will add another play yard to my repetoire. I kind of like Burger King better than McDonalds anyway. Now that the new Wal Mart is complete BK and the new Staples will be the talk of Speedy Creek for the next few months. Sure can't call this a boring place- nosiree.

The rest of the day was pretty mellow. Just watching the Olympics and trying to teach some shapes and colors again.

Yesterday I didn't update because my day was so jam-packed with excitement I hardly had a spare second. Made a trip to the Shatzke's for a visit which came to a tearful end when I caused my little kid to trip and fall. She hit her head quite hard and it took quite a while to get her feeling better. The walk home was very slow and whiney.

We went to the mall as a family and wow! were we lucky. First of all, I got a new pair of goggles and a swim cap 25% off and then we saw a few rounds of an arm wrestling competition. A sight to be hold actually.

I ran my long run (6.25 miles, 60 mins) The first 40 were kind of hard and then I seemed to finally get settled. It isn't a good sign when 2/3rds of the run is uninspired. Sock's held up good though, but my toe is a bit sore. I guess that is my lot in life; a sore toe. By the time our sitter arrived for date night my hips were aching so bad I wanted to cancel our plans. I am glad I didn't though we had a nice dinner (lobster!) and BBF Dean gave me a nice gift which I wasn't expecting. We were home 2 hours later and watched a wretched movie before bed.

Tonight I am a bachelor so I made a chopped salad again and am settling in to watch Desperate Housewives. I hope it is better than it has been the last couple weeks. I think I am sick of Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher in every publication and award show. For dessert I am finishing my little bag of sour soothers.

I also did a glycolic peel today. It is my 4th at 40%. After I am done this bottle I think I will order the 50% and maybe the 70% for my chest. I have some sun damage there and it is supposed to really help that. Love it!

That is it for now.
Ciao, r


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