Where Life Makes Sense

Saturday, February 18, 2006


My parents arrived today and brought the little kid tons of gifts. Mostly clothes and little things. She is very excitied and saying all sorts of new things. She likes to dance and show off, it is quite cute. She was very tired and went to bed right after they left to go watch the hockey game. I am very tired myself. I got in my long run this afternoon. I think 8 miles is the longest I have run on a treadmill. It gets really boring, especially when my music sucks, have I mentioned that lately?

So now that the run is over I will take tomorrow off and relax. Made a spinach & gouda Strata for breakfast tomorrow. I am not sure how that will go over as I have never tried it before. What could be bad about cheese & eggs baked with bread cubes? Probably fry up a mess o'bacon too!

Off to finish my book club selection. So far so good.

Ciao, r


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