Where Life Makes Sense

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I didn't post yesterday because BFF* Dean was trying to clean up my computer and see if it runs any faster. I think it helped a bit but I may be getting a new one soon!
*best friend forever for those of you curious and in case you had made up your own version. One creative reader thought is was something quite off the mark.

Parents were here and so they baby-sat while I ran to the pool and picked up some lunch items. Even with no encumbrances (little kid) I still only managed to get in 1200m. I thought I could do a mile but my new goggles were really hurting my head! I tightened them up and for the first half they were good but then the pressure started. My goggle face lasted half the day as usual. I guess I have a funny shaped head or eye sockets or something.

Today I was scheduled to do my speed work. Ouchie Momma! It was very hard today. The plan was 1 mile warm up - went very nice, 4x1600m sprints - holy moly this was hard. My hammy's felt like they were going to snap and roll up into my butt. My legs burned almost from the start. Took a 2 min walk in between and that seemed like 20 seconds. Wrapped it up with a 1 mile cool down which made me feel like I was floating. I got in a bath, lunch and a few mins of me time before the little kid woke up so it was a very productive morning.

After that things came to a grinding halt. The afternoon dragged for.. like...ever. I really can't wait for it to warm up so we can go for longer walks after her nap. I hate being boxed up like a recluse. Part of my problem is that going to the mall or even for coffee at McD's seems so hard lately. My kid is sort of ornery at times and I have to present everything is such a way that she thinks it is her idea. And, it is never her idea to leave the fun and get strapped into a carseat. I will take some of the blame too though, up until last month she has been so good and easy so I am rebelling I suppose. Let's see who can outwit who. It is a new game called Survivor: Parenthood.

A potential goldmine of a business idea has also come to a halt, but hopefully it isn't dead yet. I was really excited about it too. Why is our government run by such fukwits?

Ciao, r


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