Where Life Makes Sense

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Congratulations to BFF Dean. He said they would do it and they did. And I would like to give a big FU to a select few over at whlfans.. If I wasn't such a nice person I would make sure they pissed in your coffee at Tim Hortons. Since, yes, I know who you are too.

On to bigger and better people. Had a really nice time out last night with some of the board members. It was good to get out and spend some time with some people older than the age of 2.

No run today. I am afraid that I have some pretty severe problem with my foot. I can barely walk and it is getting worse by the hour. Sitting now with some ice wrapped on it. I think it is probably some type of plantar faciaitis which in a more appealing word stands for "blows."
The long and short of it is I will probably have a major breakdown if I can't run. A similar situation has happened in the past and I tend to overcompensate in other areas. All I get is anxious when I think of how long this could last.

Tomorrow is back at the pool. Hopefully it is warmed up a bit. I think they are trying to trim the fat over there by lowering the temps a bit. I have skin like tissue paper; I believe I could distinguish a temp change by half a degree. I also hope to see the local (one and only) podiatrist tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. However, we are residing in a semi-socialist environment and it might be more like May.

Made a Shepherd's Pie that was declared outstanding. No comment on the chocolate covered strawberries though. I thought they we pretty good.

Ciao, r


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