Where Life Makes Sense

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday Night Thrills

I just watched the Primetime Live episode with Tom Cruise. Although he is less of a lunatic during this interview than he has been in the past, he is still nuts. If I thought it would do any good I would pray for 'Kate.'

Here is a little tidbit that might be of some interest. I always find it strange when I see Chinese men driving pick up trucks. Especially domestic trucks. I don't know why but it seems like an odd mix. I hope that isn't perceived to be a racial comment because it really is meant as just a statement.

It was a pretty nice day today. My little kid and I picked weeds in the back yard and tried to clean up last year's death. She was pretty good just hanging out watching me. I went and bought my very own 'Garden Claw' which was an extra special moment for me. I have always wanted one since seeing an informercial years ago. It was then called the Garden Weasel. I will put it to good use tomorrow if it is still as nice but I hear it is going to get chilly. I am planning to do my long run tomorrow. I may have to do it on the treadmill - which will be evil.

My BBF Dean will be home tomorrow night for a couple days. He will be busy with work while he is home but our little kid will be happy to have a couple nights with him. She is definitely a daddies girl.

The race is 2 weeks away and I am so stressed that I am not trained properly. I guess I will finish but I know that it won't be pretty. My foot is fine now but it is just the sheer miles that I haven't gotten in. The rest of the trip will be great though. I can't wait to see my best friend J. Another great friend of mine C is getting married as I write. I hope she has a great day and is finally happy. My Seattle girls are really special people. I miss them.

I am off to bed, I hope to get a good sleep tonight. The last couple nights have been crappy, mainly because of the wind. I always get a little skittish when I am alone and the wind makes the house creek. Then my mind gets wandering and wondering if it is the wind or the boogyman.

Even though my life is boring and lame compared to mostly every one else on the planet don't pity me. I am actually very happy and really excited about my upcoming summer and getting my doggie back. Poor Ollie has been probably sick without her mommalove.


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