Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Stench Has Lifted

Ahhh, finally some fresh air. Is that too much to ask for in this God-forsaken-place AKA speedy creek? A few weeks ago we had to endure yellow over chlorinated water in order to prevent an E.Coli outbreak (not that I want that.) Then, we had to practically put masks on to venture outside. The smell from the antiquated water treatment plant is gone today but it lingers in my mind...
So, on to better business. Went swimming today and then stopped for a couple groceries. I buy a surprising amount of food for a man that isn't home much and a little kid that doesn't eat much. I guess that makes me a piggy!
Then we went for lunch with Zeena & babyG. I had the usual, but I think next time I am going to branch out and try something else. They suffer from condiment overload (the salad was victim of it too) and I don't like using 3 napkins to eat lunch (unless it is my saucy ribs which obviously no one but me serves). My little kid was okay until the end and then she started to act like a little kid. I had to carry her screaming, squirming body home while being smacked in the face. I think it is about time for some type of discipline book. Duh you say?
The rest of the day we were shut-ins. With the wind blowing at a moderate 50MPH I didn't really feel like going out again. Did I mention the random (yet not so random as to not be noticeable) cannon shots booming from the golf course behind me? I guess they have to try to prevent the geese from nesting but GEEZUS. If it isn't one thing it's another with me. Don't even get me started on the Aquatic Center parking lot.

Let me just say this: I know I must sound like a whiney, cranky, crotch-eating bag on some of these posts but it is truly meant to be in a jestful - yet mocking- tone. I like my life, my friends, my kid, my BBF and my latest pair of jeans. And the joke will be on me if we end up living here in Speedy Creek long enough to go to a high school graduation ceremony. But, whether anyone outside of Cedar Lane notices or not I will continue to stake out the latest purses, jeans, make-up and cosmetic advancements. And that doesn't make me a bad person. I will concede that it makes me a shallow, empty shell of a soul - but not a bad person. I do feel sorry though for my BFF Dean. He has to endure my comments about ass-size (or lack of) or breast-size (the over abundance of) or my daily questions of what do you want to eat tonight? Followed but the scrunched up face I make when he suggests the wrong thing. Or the nightly requests for a foot massage (or neck or back), my eye-narrowing looks when he puts too many crackers in his soup and the fact that at half his body size I take up more than half the bed. No wonder he heads for the hills every chance he gets.
Tomorrow we have nothing planned. If it isn't too windy, we will head to the park at some point. Other than that I will maybe make some sea-salt caramels again and use my new mold! Yippee! Although I am not sure about the shelf like of the candy so I may have to wait since I am making them to take home next week. But, I will enjoy a Pep! at some point. It pays to drop hints to your friends.
Sunday is more of the same except I plan to run a bit if I can. My foot is so much better.
Ciao, R


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