Where Life Makes Sense

Sunday, April 23, 2006

You think you know somebody

Ever think you are fairly interesting until you hang around actual interesting people? I am sort of feeling that way these days about lots of things in my life. I used to do a lot of writing - some of it judged to be readable and now I have nothing to say. Is it because I am a parent now and that is my job. I suppose that is a cop-out to some degree. I rarely challenge myself these days. I am missing my job and the absolute stress of being somewhat important.

On to more important subjects; myself. I did my 10 miles today on the treadmill. As I suspected it was pure evil. I decided to watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith instead of flipping between TV and music. I think the concept of a movie was a good one but the choice of film was not. I actually put my Ipod and headphones on and just watched the movie. I was still able pretty much predict what was going to happen. There is no doubt in my mind that Brad & Angie will create some magnificent offspring. I think a movie like 'Pretty Woman' or 'Back to the Future' would be more suitable in the future.

I have been watching this mini-series called 'God and the Girl' on A&E. It follows the lives of 4 men who are deciding whether or not to join the preisthood or not. Alls I have to say is I can't understand why anyone would do it. If you want to serve (a) God and people there are so many ways to do it. The celibacy is the kicker for most of these guys. It is too bad the Catholic church will never modernize. Would solve so many problems. It is a good show though, good for me to see some people so passionate about something so invisible. That is why they call it faith. A part of me just thinks these people are so weak though. They allow some unknown entity to make life long decisions for them. They use phrases like 'meant to be' which is like saying things are out of our control. I hope I always remain in control of my life and to do that I will not throw decisions to the wind.

I have been craving hamburgers lately. I think I am going to make mini-burgers this week. That will piss off BBF Dean but he will just have to eat 5 instead of one. That way you can try different toppings like guacamole and pepper jack but not be committed to eating the whole burger that way. Geniousity!

Ciao! R


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