Where Life Makes Sense

Monday, May 01, 2006

Last Post for a While

The latest word on the Hollywood front: Lindsay Lohan as Janis Joplin. Ha. Can you imagine? The similarity ends with the fact that they are/were both cokeheads. Since I am not in the demographic that counts anymore I doubt my opinion with carry any weight with the casting agents.

Today was a bit miserable; cold and rainy. We went swimming and then came home and cleaned a bit. Pretty lame day in general. My little kid misses her Dad. She talks about him and hockey all the time. It is bordering on annoying so I can't wait to see him later this week. She has a wicked memory for a little thing.
Tomorrow the little kid goes to daycare. I am getting my hair cut and fluffed. Then I have to do a 3mile run, my last before the race next weekend. Then clean the house, pack for the trip, get gas and do a few last minute things. I am really excited to go to Vancouver. I can't wait to see my girls J & J and just be unencumbered for a couple days. Thank GD for BFF's mummy, she is a great gramma and the kid will have a blast being spoiled while we have fun.

C' Ya! R


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