Where Life Makes Sense

Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's Been Ages...

Since I wrote here. Pretty much since I have nothing much to say. Things are busy now that the weather is nice. I have been picking weeds for hours and hours and I don't even mind. The yard looks really good and I am going to hire someone to keep it nice over the summer. I think I am also going to do my pruning in the fall if the weather is okay. It would be easier in the spring to get things rolling if I didn't have so much stuff to clean up.

Olive is integrating back into the family. So far only a few issues but she has been quite good since coming home. She loves being outside and once we go to the lake for the summer she will roam around most of the day out there. We went last week and let her run around off leash and she didn't go too far. In the past I have not let her run thinking she would take off - and now that I don't really care if she runs away, she won't leave. Ha.

My little kid loves being outside too, I have to bribe her to come in for meals. She is learning so fast. Tonight she pointed out almost every thing I asked her to in this very intricate book. I am talking tiny little frogs, fly's and minute details that you don't notice unless you are looking. She is a smarty pants. Probably no smarter than any other almost 2-year old but it feels good to know she is healthy in all respects. And, she is down to one bottle a day. I probably could go cold turkey but I am not sure I am quite ready to say good bye to my baby girl.

I am out, got to clean up this house for a big BBQ this weekend and head to bed early. I took a sleeping pill last night and I am finally feeling awake. I was so groggy all day. But, anything for a good sleep...


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