Where Life Makes Sense

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jingle Bells...

I am so excited for Christmas this year, I can hardly stand it. My little kid is going to have so much fun. I hope it is a great day for her. She is so sick these days but I can't help but be a little happy that she should recover and be healthy for Christmas. I hope she is well enough to go to daycare tomorrow. I need to do so many little things to get ready to flee on Monday.

I got my hair did the other day. Finally a decent hair dresser in this town. Let's just say it has been a rough 2 years in that dept. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we continue to have good chemistry together.

I am so lame that I really have nothing else to say. Why can I only thing of interesting things to write about at 3 am when I am trying to sleep? Here is hoping tonight is a better night for my little kid and her Mommy. It is going on 4 days of next to nothing in the sleep dept. BFF has been forgoing his usual morning runs so I can sleep in a bit - for which I am thankful. I consider sleep to be more important than most stuff.
Cheers, R


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