Where Life Makes Sense

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Creamed What? on What?

I had a strange memory today. All of the sudden I recalled this dish my mom used to make for lunch. Creamed salmon and peas on toast. I hated it so much that even now my stomach lurched and I had a mild wave of nausea when the though made it's way to the front of my mind. I am sure she must have hated having such a picky eater. Even today I have been criticized, chastised and mocked by people close to me for my selective eating habits. I can't help it if I discriminate against what I put in my body. I seem to have a very close association with eating and moods or state of being. I really can't help it. If I were to dine at Buckingham Palace I would not be able to politely eat sheep innards or even something much less offensive if I didn't want to. And before you think I am some sort of social more (should have and accent ague) obliterating fool - I would rave over the sauteed fennel side dish.

I just finished the "Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. She wrote her memoir to expose her remarkably shame-free upbringing as a dirt poor urchin. I suppose there was a niche to be filled with her story since there are already volumes of sex addicted, meth addicted, food addicted, shopping addicted accounts by almost- middle-aged people. And who can forget the shocking Prozac Nation that started the trend of divulging your deepest secrets for a buck. But, I really liked the book! Maybe that is where the flashback of the creamed salmon lunch came from. I should be more grateful for the cushy childhood I had in light of what Ms. Walls had to endure.

I am thinking I will get my kid a wagon soon. It is warming up and I think she would like one. Also when she is a bit older I can't wait to get that game 'Operation.' I hope they still make it. I didn't have it as a kid and always wanted it.

Tomorrow we have a busy day. Swimming, playgroup, lunch, nap, playtime ect... I ran on the weekend and my foot felt really good. Today it was not good but I will run again on Thursday and maybe Saturday. I am not as stressed about not being able to run but I must say that when I have these little injuries I can see in to the not so distant future when I am no longer a runner. I think that one day I will be a pudgy out of shape housewife/mother who....I don't know what she does.
On that note,

Friday, March 24, 2006

Speedy Creek=Optical Illusion

I have noticed a little something of interest about Speedy Creek. Most people that wear glasses have really cool, stylish and funky pairs. This may seem like a useless observation but in juxtaposition will the lack of other modern amenities it is utterly fascinating. I honestly didn't know that styles like this even existed...And coming from my vast knowledge of things to wear this really surprises me. But something else just sprang to mind. There seem to be a disproportionate number of people wearing glasses. Maybe they are not aware of Lasik? Just a thought. An out-loud thought at that.

My good friends the Crackentires took my little kid and me for dinner tonight. I had one of the best variations of the countless Greek salads available here. The actual salad is not much to sneeze at but there is more than one olive and the dressing is so good. Had some yard-bird on top too. My little kid ate about one lasagna noodle and 50 cucumber slices. I think we are making progress with the vegetable intake.

Swimming today was good. Water was warm, just the way I like it. There were a bunch of high school girls changing for class and talking about how fat their hips were. God I miss high school.

The walk to get the mail was pretty deadly. The wind was - not kidding- at least 40mph. And cold? I don't know what I was thinking. To top it off the little kid didn't want to come in which made for a messy ending to the walk. Everyone knows I hate to be cold. Really- more than anything. I would choose heat over food, wine, sex and money.

Sore throat on the left side emerging just in time to start running again. I hope it doesn't turn into something worse. I would hate to be sidelined another week because of a cold or something stupid. My foot is about 85% now so I am only 15% unhappy!

BBF Dean's team is in tough but I know if anyone can rally the bad news bears it is him.
Ciao, R

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Future So Bright...

My little kid is either going to be a stripper or a nude model. Yay, I am so proud!
I am thinking there is nothing wrong with crazy glueing her diaper on - but let me know if that qualifies as child abuse and then I will weigh the pros and cons.

CSI is on so I better skidaddle.
Ciao, R

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bzzz, coffee is back

I don't think I mentioned our new member of the family. Welcome to Ms. Espresso Machine. It was a rocky couple of weeks there but our new addition has turned things around. It has a few minor design flaws (in my limited experience with design) that prevent me from declaring it perfect. However, those irritants aside it does make a great cuppa joe. It evokes memories of strolling down Pike Place Market and picking out fresh produce and fish for dinner with a steaming Americano from the original Starbucks location.

If I were so lucky as to be choosing my dinner from the market tonight I would have picked up a couple of swordfish steaks, Swiss chard and some fingerling potatoes. Maybe some fresh goat cheese souffle from the Artisan Cheese stall. Instead we had salmon (caught by BFF Dean) some wrinkly green beans and a mediocre spinach salad.

I am anxiously awaiting the return of BFF Dean so we can watch the return of Prison Break. I have been waiting months for it to resume. We also have 24 and a few CSI's to catch up on. Thank Gawd for our Tivo device. He should be home in an hour or so then the marathon begins.
In the meantime while I wait I am watching American Idol - is Paula high on Lortab or something? This woman is nuts. 5 years from now she will be peddling her bio which will laboriously detail her painkiller addiction. I gar-un-tee it.

Went to physio today and my foot is so much better. I definitely plan to run Thursday. I am so much happier now that this isn't going to be a lingering problem (in my opinion). Swimming tomorrow and then probably will take my little kid to playgroup. Still debating showing up for Yoga but I think it might aggrevate my foot so I might pass for now. I would like to give it a try though seeing as being more flexible wouldn't be a bad thing.

Namaste, R

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Alien Abduction

Sorry for my last post. I think I was abducted by something for a few days. But thankfully I am back in the land where life makes sense. What do they call it when you are 'taken?' Whitley Streiber wrote a book about it. I feel much better and optimistic about my little foot injury. I think I will still be doing the half marathon and won't blow up into a fat cow which was inevitable if I was to get a cast on my foot.

I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks. Firstly, the Soprano's is on tonight. Then I have a dinner to go to with my big hunk tomorrow night. I plan to swim 3x and run 3x. Then playoffs start and I hope to go to at least one home game. Then our friend is having a 40th birthday party. Could life get anymore exciting?

Just finished 'Kafka on the Shore' chosen mainly because of the title. My immediate impression is not that great. It is a translation and the Japanese are much more into dreams, crossing over and the whole spirit world of animals and I am so clearly not.
Ciao, R

Friday, March 17, 2006


I haven't been posting much lately because I think I have OD'ed on myself. Every where I go there I am. I am sick to death of me.
I am the Paris, Jessica, Jennifer or Lindsay of my house - overexposed.

I will be back when I am over it.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Congratulations to BFF Dean. He said they would do it and they did. And I would like to give a big FU to a select few over at whlfans.. If I wasn't such a nice person I would make sure they pissed in your coffee at Tim Hortons. Since, yes, I know who you are too.

On to bigger and better people. Had a really nice time out last night with some of the board members. It was good to get out and spend some time with some people older than the age of 2.

No run today. I am afraid that I have some pretty severe problem with my foot. I can barely walk and it is getting worse by the hour. Sitting now with some ice wrapped on it. I think it is probably some type of plantar faciaitis which in a more appealing word stands for "blows."
The long and short of it is I will probably have a major breakdown if I can't run. A similar situation has happened in the past and I tend to overcompensate in other areas. All I get is anxious when I think of how long this could last.

Tomorrow is back at the pool. Hopefully it is warmed up a bit. I think they are trying to trim the fat over there by lowering the temps a bit. I have skin like tissue paper; I believe I could distinguish a temp change by half a degree. I also hope to see the local (one and only) podiatrist tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. However, we are residing in a semi-socialist environment and it might be more like May.

Made a Shepherd's Pie that was declared outstanding. No comment on the chocolate covered strawberries though. I thought they we pretty good.

Ciao, r

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Date Night

Got a big date tonight after the big game. My BBF will probably take me to the 'pol for some tasty appy's and a beer or two.

This day was long even though I got out for coffee with Bert and picked myself up a banana. Foot is still really hurting but I am going to run tomorrow. I have had this lots before and strangely it doesn't seem to hurt when I run. Maybe I am so mentally tough that I can block out the pain and persevere? That is probably it.

Ciao, r

Friday, March 10, 2006


I woke up yesterday with some combination of a cold/eye infection/tonsillitis. I am surviving though. Actually feel almost normal when doped up on Dayquil.
I am missing my little buddy today. I hope Olive is happy and warm right now, she hates being chilled. I guess we are a lot a like.

No plans to workout today or tomorrow. I will probably feel back to normal on Sunday so I will get the wheels back on the track. I get really anxious when I can't workout and I want to.

I will BBL to post some more riveting thoughts....

Back as promised...not much to say except my little kid had quite a well behaved day. No fits or tantrums that I recall and was very pleasant to her play companion Graydon today. Went to bed with no resistance and crashed before I turned the monitor on. BFF has a big game tonight so I am listening with much hope that things can relax a bit. He is good about not bringing his work home but I can tell that he really wants to get this big project in the bag so to speak.

I am really excited about the playoffs actually, in the past he has managed to twice oust first place teams into an early golf season. There is nothing more pitiful than working hard all year to finish in first place and then lose in the first round to an "undisciplined, talentless team." I. Love. It.

My illness is almost gone. Maybe tomorrow I will go for a run. I am sure the crazy foot cramp that has plagued me all week will have relaxed a bit. Maybe I need to eat a banana? Wierd, but I have been craving a banana all day and wouldn't you know it, we don't have any for once.

Ciao, r

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Anyone Miss Me?

I am back. And congratulations to me, I am the laziest person in Speedy Creek. And out of 16,500 that is quite an accomplishment. Not only does my little kid go to daycare but I gave my dog away because she was bothering me and making me work too hard.

Other than that sob story I do have good news. I got lots of things I have been wanting for the last 2 weeks. It has been hard waiting but I got my puffy jacket, new jeans and a new ring to replace the void of my lost wedding ring.

The Jeans: Rock & Republic. Dark wash. I tried on about 100 pairs only to purchase my 7th pair of Seven jeans. After taking them home and thinking about it all night long I returned and exchanged them for the R&R's. Now they are washed and getting hemmed so no turning back. The Sevens definitely made my flapjack ass look better but I admit I was sucked in by the fact that the R&R's were a size smaller than my normal size thus giving the illusion that I am actually thinner than I appear. Make sense?

The Ring: With the time to drop Olive off at her new home looming I stopped into Birks and salivated over many pieces in the Estate collection. Reasoning with myself that I deserved a little something to cover my horrific tattoo I purchased a Biker Chic band. I like it, but it is a smidgen too big. Anyone know how to just gain weight on your ring finger? Ha.

The Puffy Jacket: Got it for a steal, should keep me warm in this godforsaken place for months to come.

Also got various t-shirts and a pair of red pants. I really like red pants for some reason. I had a pair from Club Monaco years ago and I bet I wore them 1000 times.

Today I did my speedwork (4 miles) and then went swimming. I only did 800m though as I was antsy to get doing a few errands. The day went fast and next thing I know I was begging and bribing my little kid to come home with me.

I am sure this feeling will go away soon but I am feeling out of control and like a big fat failure. And for a final boo hoo, I am getting a cold. It is fitting that I am watching my favorite show right now - The Biggest Loser. I guess I should look at the bright side - at least my husband isn't in the military and I don't have 100lbs to lose before he comes home. Now that is pressure my friends.

So, I have another day off tomorrow and I was hoping to get in my long run but now that I feel the death shadow on me (aches, sore throat, fever, headache, stuffed face) I bet I am going to be hanging in my PJ's most of the day. Now I am going to be a full week behind in my training.

I promise tomorrow I will actually post something other than whiney drivel.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bon Voyage

I am sure you all are crushed to hear that I won't be posting for a few days. I am heading to the big city for some shopping, Thai food, coffee machine repairing, Oscar watching and whatever else I can't do here. I am hoping to unload my PITA dog to some unwitting dufus too so keep your fingers crossed. Poor little Olive is laying oblivious in front of the fire...no idea that this may be her last Speedy Creek winters-day. Actually she probably resents her master for making her leave Seattle more than I do...but nary a complaint from her. I guess we can all learn something from an animal with the brain the size of an apricot.

I hope to have a smooth trip tomorrow with my little kid. She has a mild ear infection which is giving her only marginal trouble and now I think a case of pink eye is brewing. If that is what transpires then I will take her to a walk-in clinic to get it looked at rather than cancel my trip. Unless of course she can't open her eye in the morning.

I have mounds more interesting stuff to type but my computer is frustratingly slow tonight. I type and there is about a 4 second delay so this is agonizing. Plus, I need to pack for the family and round up all of Olive's sweaters in case this sucker wants to keep her.

One last thing, I have been watching Sex and the City reruns lately and how is it that these 4 women are all tighter, fresher and better looking in the last season than the first? There must be this cosmic time warp in TV land where the longer your show lasts the younger you look. God, even Frasier looks better in the season finale of his show than he did on Cheers.
