Where Life Makes Sense

Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's Been Ages...

Since I wrote here. Pretty much since I have nothing much to say. Things are busy now that the weather is nice. I have been picking weeds for hours and hours and I don't even mind. The yard looks really good and I am going to hire someone to keep it nice over the summer. I think I am also going to do my pruning in the fall if the weather is okay. It would be easier in the spring to get things rolling if I didn't have so much stuff to clean up.

Olive is integrating back into the family. So far only a few issues but she has been quite good since coming home. She loves being outside and once we go to the lake for the summer she will roam around most of the day out there. We went last week and let her run around off leash and she didn't go too far. In the past I have not let her run thinking she would take off - and now that I don't really care if she runs away, she won't leave. Ha.

My little kid loves being outside too, I have to bribe her to come in for meals. She is learning so fast. Tonight she pointed out almost every thing I asked her to in this very intricate book. I am talking tiny little frogs, fly's and minute details that you don't notice unless you are looking. She is a smarty pants. Probably no smarter than any other almost 2-year old but it feels good to know she is healthy in all respects. And, she is down to one bottle a day. I probably could go cold turkey but I am not sure I am quite ready to say good bye to my baby girl.

I am out, got to clean up this house for a big BBQ this weekend and head to bed early. I took a sleeping pill last night and I am finally feeling awake. I was so groggy all day. But, anything for a good sleep...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

No Wind in the Forecast

It was a really nice day here and for the first time in forever I didn't spend any of it on the treadmill. I was outside most of the day, weeding and hanging with Olive in the sun. Little kid was a daycare and spent the day outside too.

Can't swim tomorrow because the pool is really cooled down for a meet this weekend and we all know my punk-ass can't handle the cold. I think it is supposed to be nice so I will take the kiddie to the park and maybe try a short run while she is napping.

Had some pretty good burgers for dinner and a grilled vegetable salad. yippee,


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Told Ya'll

That's right the Britster is preggers. And you all thought she was just refusing to lay off the Cheetos. That K-Fag has it made. 4 kids and under 26, what a catch.

Back to me. We are home from our great trip. The little kid was well taken care of and barely noticed we had left her. The first night we stayed at our great friends the Sinden's and their amazing spectacular new digs in the heart of the city. I am very proud of them, they have done so great and are wonderful parents and very fun people. Jo took me shopping to a great street and in less than an hour I had managed to do some serious damage. Purse: check, shoes: check, outfit: check, more outfits: check.

The next day my bestest friend Jana arrived with her future hubby Uncle Bill. We checked in the hotel and then headed down to Yaletown to shop. I actually had some residual guilt from the morning so I didn't make any purchases. I must say that my BFFFFFF Dean is a trooper. He didn't bat an eye when I was unpacking my goods and looking for some enthusiastic compliments. He often tells me to 'treat myself' and I think he sincerely means it. We had a really great dinner with more friends that night at Blue Water. I had some super halibut and lobster bisque. With the race the next morning I managed to quash any major wine binges but still slept terrible that night in our heavenly Westin bed. I bet I got 2 hours that night.

One Sudan morning, race time. It was raining hard so I went with the pants instead of shorts. Mistake that I won't go into but lesson learned. We met up with Jo in the hotel lobby and our friend Jana and Bill actually got up to cheer us on. There were over 20,000 people doing the madness too so it was a very fun atmosphere despite the rain. Dean took off within the first 2 miles and we decided not to try to keep up with him and his man-ness. About half way through Jo had to make a potty stop and we met up with Dean and finished together at 2:01. Not disgraceful but I really wanted to at least equal my time from 2001 which I think was 1:55.

After a shower I begged the group to eat at Earls. I really wanted Hunan Chicken and then pissed Dean off when I changed my order to a burger at the last second. My friends were very nice to indulge me. It was a great burger though. I was very sore and on the verge of losing a much cherished toenail. So we shopped and walked around for a few hours then headed back for a nap.

We had a dinner at Cru with 10 of us. It was really nice and I didn't actually drink as much wine as I had intended but I was really happy with the place. We went to bed at a decent hour and I had yet another crap sleep. I think I need to be medicated every night. Too bad that leads to addiction.

Arrived home Monday afternoon to a happy kid and probably a happier Grandma. Then we got our rat-dog Olive back. She seems leaner than before and was very happy to see us. Now that we are home she has settled right in and seems like she never left.

We are catching up on some tivo'ed shows tonight so I will be back later with some important updates.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Last Post for a While

The latest word on the Hollywood front: Lindsay Lohan as Janis Joplin. Ha. Can you imagine? The similarity ends with the fact that they are/were both cokeheads. Since I am not in the demographic that counts anymore I doubt my opinion with carry any weight with the casting agents.

Today was a bit miserable; cold and rainy. We went swimming and then came home and cleaned a bit. Pretty lame day in general. My little kid misses her Dad. She talks about him and hockey all the time. It is bordering on annoying so I can't wait to see him later this week. She has a wicked memory for a little thing.
Tomorrow the little kid goes to daycare. I am getting my hair cut and fluffed. Then I have to do a 3mile run, my last before the race next weekend. Then clean the house, pack for the trip, get gas and do a few last minute things. I am really excited to go to Vancouver. I can't wait to see my girls J & J and just be unencumbered for a couple days. Thank GD for BFF's mummy, she is a great gramma and the kid will have a blast being spoiled while we have fun.

C' Ya! R