Where Life Makes Sense

Friday, December 15, 2006

Viva la Diva

There is one thing that I really look forward to at the holidays and that is the food. I am a domestic diva and I need complete control of the food that is served. Obviously this is easiest to do when people come to my house but I have been known to 'suggest' menus and dinner ideas at other people's homes as well. As obnoxious as that sounds I sincerely can't help myself. I have many food related issues but first and foremost is my craving to eat good food when ever possible. And by 'good food' I don't necessarily mean healthy all the time. I have savored a large juice hamburger with a plate full of steaming fries - the kind that are salty and crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside - many a time. I am also a connoisseur of greasy, sloppy Mexican food. So, don't ever accuse me of being a food snob who doesn't venture into the heart of our fast food nation.
Bare with me while I touch on the topic of Mexican food though. We do often go for Mexican at this sort of odd place near our summer home. It is decorated in a style I like to call 'mish-mash.' Vinyl booths, garish paint, Tijuana artwork and chili pepper lights hanging here and there. Honestly, the decor is not important to me. We go there because the food comes out so fast you barely have time to scarf down a few chips with watery salsa. And when you have a 2 year old, fast is key. Typically BFF burns his wrist on the plate only seconds after the waitress shouts out her requisite warning "watch out the plates are very hot!" The quality of the food though is not really at a level that deserves the repeat visits it garners.
Since I am such a DD (domestic diva) I can point out - with no shame- that my guacamole is better than any Mexican could only dream of making. Same goes with my salsa and I make a mean marguarita too. I have made a dish of enchiladas verdes that would make Tito Ortiz weep. But the point is that even a diva needs a break once in a while so that is why we head out occasionally even though we know mediocrity awaits.
So when the family arrives for Christmas they will have little knowledge of the hours and hours I have spent planning and preparing for the several different meals we will share. I have already mentally prepared the Christmas morning Cinnamon buns, Mimosas and Cowboy Strata that I plan on serving. Dinner is sort of traditional so not much deviation there, but I do plan on making it a bit healthier than normal. So no cheese laden broccoli casserole, creamed onions or Waldorf salad that I grew up feasting on. There will be the usual turkey, gravy, stuffing and mashed potatoes but the rest will be steamed veggies and a big salad.
I know that there will be plenty of treats to go around though so don't worry about us coming home without a little more girth.

Time for bed, I guess BFF will come home a grump because first place is going to have to wait until the New Year. Have faith though, I see a stretch coming up which actually causes the message board to come to a grinding halt. Our resident experts will actually have start criticizing things that they actually have some knowledge about. Let's see a raging debate about what brand of toilet paper we should buy with the '3 million.'

Ciao! R

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I have decided that all I want for Christmas is my dog back. If I could write music I am sure I could get a chart topper out of this. I gave my little buddy away (twice, but whose counting) and I am acutely aware every day of what a mistake it was. I can't believe I am in a family without a dog, it just doesn't seem like the same family. A touch melodramatic you say? Possibly, and I know her new family loves her but things just aren't the same - especially at night.
Today was a day off while my little kid went to daycare. She is healthy again and I am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Went to the gym, Walmart, wrapped gifts, ate gynormous turkey sandwich, showered, laundry, liquor store for gift, and picked up the kid. Notice..no nap. A very productive day capped off by a nice dinner at our friends the Crackintires.

Still waiting for something interesting and funny to inspire me. Hang in there, I feel it bubbling to the surface and it shouldn't be too long.

I would however like to comment on the treatment of certain Hollywood Cheaters. I think that depending on how good looking you are determines the type of negative/positive press you will receive. For example, Brad Pitt cheats on his wife of four years, Jennifer Aniston. But, since he moves up in the looks department to Angelina Jolie, not much is said about it - in terms of criticism not sheer line space. And more recently Kate Hudson left her husband, whom she spawned a child with, for Owen Wilson. Now, her husband whose name is lost to me, is an incredibly ugly man. Owen Wilson, AKA the Butterscotch Stallion, is handsome in a strange way but still much better to look at than Black Crowes man. (I remember, Chris Robinson). Not barely a mention of this. But, Jude Law sleeps with the nanny! Shame, engagements are off. Hugh Grant gets BJ from a hooker! What was he thinking?! (Yes, I realize this was in the 90's) Alls I am saying is if you are going to cheat do it with someone measurably better looking than your current flame. Then no one seems to mind.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jingle Bells...

I am so excited for Christmas this year, I can hardly stand it. My little kid is going to have so much fun. I hope it is a great day for her. She is so sick these days but I can't help but be a little happy that she should recover and be healthy for Christmas. I hope she is well enough to go to daycare tomorrow. I need to do so many little things to get ready to flee on Monday.

I got my hair did the other day. Finally a decent hair dresser in this town. Let's just say it has been a rough 2 years in that dept. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we continue to have good chemistry together.

I am so lame that I really have nothing else to say. Why can I only thing of interesting things to write about at 3 am when I am trying to sleep? Here is hoping tonight is a better night for my little kid and her Mommy. It is going on 4 days of next to nothing in the sleep dept. BFF has been forgoing his usual morning runs so I can sleep in a bit - for which I am thankful. I consider sleep to be more important than most stuff.
Cheers, R

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A lonely Sunday evening. No Desperate Housewives, no book to read (well other than the 20 or so odd titles currently waiting to be sprung from their miserable bookcase) and no BBF. The little kid is coming down with something so she was off to be a whole half hour earlier than usual. I hope it isn't serious, but I am grateful it is now rather than 2 weeks from now when Santa comes. I don't want anything to mar her 'first' Christmas. This is the one that she will remember - at least temporarily. Which reminds me, I need to order the pink ballet slippers she has been asking for....Okay done. I can't believe how I shopped before the internet. I have purchased almost everything online and it will be shipped and waiting for me to inspect everything when we get to our Christmas destination next week. Sweet!
This week is going to go so fast. BFF has a big week of important stuff and potentially his team could be in first place going into the break. Sweet! But, I am finally getting my heinous hair fixed, going to pump up a bit at the gym and having one of Dean's staff members stay with us the week. Not to mention packing and planning all the stuff needed for our little trip and squeezing in some social cheer too! Sweet!
I usually hate all the stress that is created around Christmas (not hating on Christmas itself) but this year I feel more laid back. Probably because my little kid is going to FREAK OUT on Christmas morning. It will be so funny. All that matters is that she has fun and if my FIL hates his hotdog maker then life will roll on and we will all get over it.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Change of Plans

After some thought I have decided to heavily modify or delete most of yesterday's topic. I think I was off on a rant and quite honestly it is not a subject that I want to devote any more time to. But, the Effing Losers I was referring to are still wastes of skin in my opinion.

Tomorrow is my 12 year wedding anniversary. I do find it amazing that in 12 years there have been very few occasions on which I have thought of throwing in the towel so to speak. Some people would be proud to say that they have been happily married always and never considered separating for any reason. But, I am proud to say that in spite of some very bumpy patches I decided to stay and work things out. Marriage is hard under even the best circumstances. We consider ourselves so lucky to have started out with financial security - not that money has never been a source of nit-picking. Given the fact that this huge obstacle in many marriages has never caused us undue stress- we had a leg up on many couples just starting out. I am a firm believer that fundamental differences between men and women will never allow for any relationship to be in complete harmony for long. And, I think that the key to avoiding an acrimonious divorce is the simple ability to ignore that bad habits that may drive a lesser person insane. Among other things, BBF usually ignores the fact that I am quiet and somewhat grumpy in the early morning. Even saying 'good morning" can sometimes be hard for me. I don't know why (and I am working on it) but he usually chirps "morning!" to me before I have a chance to think and it takes the pressure off. I am sure he doesn't even know he does it but it helps me most days start the day off better.
In turn, I try to ignore his occasional passive/aggressive comments and the fact that he has constant nasal issues that require somewhat nauseating methods to alleviate.
And the next thing you know 12 years has gone by! One thing I know we can both agree on is that fact that our little kid is the best thing to happen to both of us. I get pangs of sadness when I think that if I had given up we would never have shared her. I can't even imagine a life without my 2 year old PITA.
Ciao, R

Friday, December 08, 2006

Consistency Was Never My Thing

So, I see it has been several months since I committed anything here. Blogging is all the rage here in the creek and so I guess I have been inspired. However, I would like to lay claim to the fact that I am the owner of the original blog from Speedy Creek. My readership is not as big as the new kid in town though..Fine with me.
If you read through the last dozen or so posts of mine you will notice that although I do indeed have a partner (commonly referred to as BFF - best friend forever in Gen Z speak) I do not usually delve into his life, personality and occupation openly. This is primarily because of my egocentric beliefs that this area be about ME. But even a self-centered egotist like myself can see that sometimes I am not all that interesting and from time to time I should to introduce an ensemble cast. Occasionally. Then it will be back to more me.
Also though, BFF has a public type job and is open to constant, and often times venomous, criticism. I certainly do not want to add attention to his unfair evaluations. I do feel the need to air some opinions about certain situations that have arisen in the last several weeks. And for the record BFF and I rarely discuss his occupation in any form. Day to day we almost always talk about; our little kid, our ugly tile floor, any aches and pains that I might be suffering from and food comes up a lot too.

A small group of people spend inordinate amounts of time and energy bitching about the most obscure points. I guess that is the point. Maybe this post will help quell the seething wave of resentment that is building in me. Probably not.

This paragraph was edited because deep, deep down - I am a chickenshit.

In other news, the little kid saw Santa today at the mall and surprisingly sat on his lap for a picture. I know it won't be a good photo but the fact that she didn't run screaming from him is enough to make me proud. For a 2 year old she is definitely confident. I guess she takes after at least one parent. Now which one is it?