Where Life Makes Sense

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Titles Really Stump Me

So maybe from now on I may not add one. Hope that don't confuse anyone. :)
Made it back 'home' today. Long drive but mostly alone as the Mr. took the brunt of driving with a toddler.
Dog Olive is with her new family tonight. Very terrible good-bye. I think she knew I was ditching her again. I think she kind of gave me a 'look' as I drove away. Thank God you can't actually drop off a problem child too.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The New Me.

I have decided not to censor myself any longer. Truth be told, I was a little worried that my readership may include family members. So, now that I am either: a) confident that they won't mysteriously stumble upon this site, or b) could give a shit if they do - I vow to be honest and forthcoming in my observations.

So, in less than a week I will be sitting at home in Speedy Creek. Summer will be a memory and I will be diligently catching up with friends, weeding my yard and hosting a series of late summer BBQ's. This is a big part of my life and I really enjoy the absolute mundanity (new word?) of it all. My BBF is always trying to make my life easier (by ordering veggie platters or buying frozen meats) but I am really stimulated by planning parties and cooking new things. And nothing gets me more excited than a bucket full of freshly pulled weeds - roots unblemished. Ahhhh, boring as hell you say?

This time of year is an unusually melancholy time too. My birthday is approaching and I am strangely looking forward to it for once. Maybe it is because after 30 it takes a while to realize you are not the hot one anymore, there is always someone younger and you truly need to give up the past to enjoy the future. Please..don't get me wrong though. I am always going to pursue the anti-aging arts and maintain my body as best I can. In fact, Botox is in the budget. If I never get another handbag, that is okay with me. Good thing I don't have another baby in the plans or it would regretfully be named Restylane.
BFF is back tomorrow to pack up the house with me. I have a mild cold and am losing motivation to do this triathlon on Sunday. Training has been a complete minimum the last 2 weeks. I will *try* my hardest to get over myself and do what I said I was going to do.

Other than that, my two year old little kid is now officially an a$$hole most of the time. Hope this phase passes.

Monday, August 14, 2006

As Promised...

I am back to posting. This summer has been so busy that I have not had a spare minute to check in here. So, my apologies if this has affected your life in anyway - whatsoever. The good news is I got a new computer so I should be able to convey my appreciation to BBF in some form or another. My frustration level should be nil which in turn would make my witty musings even edgier. Forgive me if this is not making sense...a little rusty I suppose.
Or, it could be the wine fog is lifting. I do always write better on a buzz so maybe this little sobriety session wasn't such a good idea.
I am attemping to do another triathlon on Sunday so I was thinking I would dry out and get some good consecutive nights of sleep. I will chime in if this little experiment was effective or not.
Last night was a rough sleep night so I am going to turn in now and hope it goes better tonight.
Here are some topics I plan to address this week; a little to whet your whistle so to speak.
- Olive gets kicked to the curb - again.
- News about my breasts - get ready to hear the endless details for the next month.
- I am still watching DOOL (days of our lives) for some Godforsaken reason. Why?
- Packing up and heading back to the creek; and all of it's messy implications.
Cheers, R

Sunday, August 13, 2006

If You Listen Really Closely....

You would hear that I am back! Not for long, been on the computer way too much today. But, tomorrow I will start posting again. Been a great summer and got nothing done. :> Ciao,R